Health Guarantee

We only breed the best.

Our puppies leave our care well nourished, vaccinated, and examined by our veterinarians.

Our puppies are guaranteed to be free from any congenital defects or illnesses. Don’t just take our word for it. Within three days of obtaining your pup, take him or her to your family veterinarian for a thorough check-up. If your veterinarian finds something we missed, notify us within three days of picking up your puppy and we will happily replace your puppy or transfer your payment to another litter.

As of June 2021, we have a 100% placement rate with 0 returns.

We promise to uphold our end of puppy contracts, but we expect a few given responsibilities from you as well. Owning a puppy is a big deal. Read below for our New Owner Expectations…

Quality Healthcare

Our contracts define quality healthcare as the following:

  • Daily, age-appropriate nutrition & clean water

  • Completion of veterinarian-administered vaccines by 8 months of age

  • Consistent heartworm prevention

  • Spay or neuter procedure by 8 months of age

  • Consistent, coat appropriate grooming

A Lifelong Home

Our contracts ensure that each dog enjoys a lifelong home. You will not, under any circumstances:

  • Allow your dog to live outside more than 12 hours a day

  • Rehome your dog without written permission from Stark Farms

  • Surrender your dog to a shelter, humane society, or rescue organization

The fine print: Our goal is to help reduce the amount of unwanted dogs in shelters and the spread of diseases. For this reason, we have a strict purchase policy and contract that you will find comparable to other reputable breeders. After you pass the thorough requirements of purchasing one of our puppies, we doubt that there will be any issues. In order to ensure, however, that our puppies live long and healthy lives with their original owners, we have a few legal policies in place. Please read below.

*At or before the puppy’s age of 8 months, you will submit, in writing, via post or email, veterinary vaccination records and proof of spay/neuter. At the time of submission, you will be given paperwork for both the transfer of ownership and registration with the Continental Kennel Club. At this time, you become the sole owner of the dog.

If written proof cannot be provided by the age of 8 months, your puppy returns to Stark Farms with no refund issued.

If, for any reason you rehome or surrender your dog without written permission from Stark Farms, you will be considered within “breach of contract” and we will take legal action against you. This may result in us seizing the puppy/dog from his/her “new owners”. You will be responsible for all legal and transportation fees necessary for reobtaining the neglected dog.*