The rainbow after the storm...

Here we are, in the beginning of June 2021. It’s been a hard year, but good things are ahead.

We feel it in our bones.

Last fall, Keira did not bring us a litter of bouncing babies at Christmas-time. This heartbreak was the sour cherry on top of a rough 2020. After the holidays, we took Keira to the vet for vaccines. He was sad her pregnancy wasn’t successful, but reassured us it is quite common and that there was nothing we could have done. After a thorough exam and a wonderful conversation, our vet gave us the most glowing single sentence recommendation- “Try again”.

So- we did what we do. We talked, we researched, we prayed. We tried again. And here we are today, in the beginning of June, preparing for Keira’s last litter of puppies! She is due June 15.

This good news couldn’t come at a better time. Last week, tragedy struck us again, in a much more personal way. I lost my Mamaw, the lady who raised me, on the 26th of May. Grief is a new thing for me- it’s harsh and heavy. The pain comes and goes. I’ve chosen to focus all of my energy on our upcoming litter of babies. My Mamaw loved when we had puppies. I always called her first (yes, even before my breeder mentor and the vet!) when a dog went into labor. She said a prayer and waited patiently for updates. Mamaw visited our home frequently as they grew, often staying for days at a time. She provided welcomed advice and a helping hand so I could catch up on sleep. These visits are now memories I cherish dearly as we prepare for new puppies. How exciting it will be to hold these little ones that bring so much joy to my family! I look forward to feeling my Mamaw’s presence when these new puppies make their appearance.

Excitement. Anticipation. Preparation. Bringing new life into the world comes with deep emotions and an even greater sense of responsibility. Puppies are due June 15. This week is full of planning-lists, charts, supply boxes, first aid kits, emergency plans, sanitizing, stocking up on food for us and the animals around the farm. For 8 weeks, our entire world will revolve around those tiny babies once they get here.

As many of you know, we use a program called “Puppy Culture” to socialize and train our pups before they go home. Puppy Culture is a scaffolding program that introduces puppies to new concepts and experiences week by week. Puppies learn mental, physical, and social foundational skills that ensure the animals we send home are the absolute best they can be. We firmly believe that as long as we breed dogs, we owe it to them to make sure they contribute positively to the people who love & care for them. Why else add dogs to this already over-crowded planet? Even if you don’t plan on buying a puppy from us, you may find it fun to follow along each week as our puppies grow and learn. You’ll get to know each one individually and see them conquer oceans & mountains (well, see-saws and kiddie pools). Root them on as they grow and share our excitement when they finally join their new families in August. I told you, we’re giving this litter everything we have this summer!

So. All this to say- times have been tough and painful, not just for us, but for so many across the world but today, there’s a rainbow over Stark Farms. Hesiod once said along the lines of this- “Good strife can bring out the best in people”. And we all know dogs do, too. :)